2016 – 2019
First period
board of founders
2016 -2019
Preparations was made from 2015. For months the founders held meetings to discuss inclusive vision, mission, and objectives that all fellow community members would feel respected and comfortable with. Despite what was eventually written in Parsi and the big challange of traslating those documents, it was unanimously agreed by all founders that not only Iranian-Origin Canadians, but members of all other Canadian communities shall feel of this society as their home.
Abbas is one of the most prominent features in oil, gas, and petrochemical industries. With 40+ years of experience in managing and implementing projects such as grand pipeline projects and refineries, to name a few, Tabriz giant complex, as well as Urmia, Ahvaz, Khuzestan, Karoun projects.
Abbas SedghiFounder
Abbas has received many awards from ministries and parliaments for his valuable achievements. He has also been the CEO of Civil tech construction and GE-Polymer. He has been founder and supporter of many social and cultural organizations in Canada from NS to BC.
Abbas SedghiSecretary General
Homayoun is a Ph.D. in PM Construction Tech & Seismic Design. He works as a freelance construction inspector and a residential builder. His passion in helping entrepreneurs and youth in building their career is admiring. He himself is an entrepreneure.
Homayoun ArbabianFounder
Homayoun has been very active in his community activities in Northshore as well as the Great Vancouver. He is a board member of Kannon Andisheh. He put a lot og his own money into building an exemplary green duplex house which was praised by the City of North Vancouver.
Homayoun ArbabianHead of Economic Committee
Morteza is a mech. engineer who has worked in various hands-on and managerial positions in pulp & paper, oil & gas, municipal, and building industries. He has a passion towards entrepreneurial ideas and has a couple of them on his own hands. He is providing IT support to the Sara Since 2020. He is the founder of the Association Of Nowruz Patrons with a broader mission that covers all Nowruz descent communities.
Morteza M. H.Founder
Morteza is providing support to all associated societies and as a practical manager is fund of putting viable objectives into practice at reasonable times. He has a passion to help the world becoming a more peaceful place for everyone. With support of SIOC, he created the Hamafza Synergistic Network to provide opportunities for righteous people since 2016. Visit hamafza.ca. (Click on his photo and visit NPs)
Morteza M. H.Assistant